Panorama Artist Choice, 2013. If Sir Doge dies during the quest of finding the Skolodoge Shed and conquering the darkness then he will be placed into the Land of Lost Doge's. It's a hell filled with evil flying Eagle Doge's that will take all of your items if they see you and bite you. Sir Doge must make it out of this hell and back to Jarkendoge by finding the Doge Pond. It's very easy to get lost in the tall grass in the Land of Lost Doge's but at the same time, it can keep you hidden from the Eagle Doge's. Use your surroundings wisely to get back to Jarkendoge and conquer the darkness.
Black and White Panorama, 2013. This game takes place in the very cold tundra kingdom Jarkendoge. The main character is a great knight called Sir Doge. He was thrown into this barren wasteland by the evil red dragon named Kra-Doge. Now Sir Doge must make his way to the Shed of Skolodoge before darkness covers the the land. Beware, there are evil monsters out in the woods and the more time that passes the more monsters that were once on your side will turn against you as the darkness moves closer.
Reward Point, 2013. Discover and follow these goblin tracks into a goblin cave filled with valuable treasure.
Reward Point Artist Choice, 2013. Come across this yellow ribbon and wrap it around your arm and it will grant you extra magic damage against goblins.
Game Art

Depth of field is the distance between the nearest and the furthest objects. It allows the image to be focused in certain parts of the photo.

Joe Rossi
Student Jackson, NJ