The PowerUP Health brand
Current color palette & logo
Client inspiration examples & ideas
Sketched ideation
Sketched ideation
Sketched ideation
Sketched ideation
The client decided to change the inspiration to this user submitted representation of a lotus flower
I generated several concepts based on the lotus theme
The client decided to adapt the logo from a range of lotus-inspired user-submitted representations. Out of them, I selected the styles that were most effective.
I generated multiple typeface, color, & layout options for the chosen symbol
I generated multiple typeface, color, & layout options for the chosen symbol
I generated multiple typeface, color, & layout options for the chosen symbol
I generated multiple typeface, color, & layout options for the chosen symbol
I generated multiple typeface, color, & layout options for the chosen symbol
The client chose the version with the modified Bhavuka Regular typeface & this color. I generated the final assets.
PowerUP Health Logo

The logo for PowerUP Health, a women's healthy lifestyle & weight loss program.

Freelance, Moonlighting
Joel Vanboening
Industrial Designer Covington, KY