Apollo Lies - Grown to be ugly and torn apart, Apollo Lies is a heavyweight eroded but readable font.
Often - Inspired by the greatest hits like DIN, Conduit and Clearview, Often is ideal for traffic signs or big letterheads.
Sometimes - A grungy upgrade to good old Times.
Suissida - This condensed sans serif typeface has unbelievable capabilities in small sizes such as 9 or 10. Unproportionate at first look, Suissida is a very usefull thin set of characters.
Dry Ink - From oil brush strokes in white canvas.
Tasca - Tasca is a peculiar typeface inspired in traditional portuguese restaurants called "tascas" that usualy have handwritten inscriptions in white cheap table papers.
Atira - Modern sans inspired in Art Nouveaux trends.
Mens Sana - Scanned some old book pages to get the typewritten looks.
João Franco
senior graphic designer at Omni Brand Lab Lisbon, Portugal