Plan - "It has been easy to conceptualize disabled people and older people as being marginal and separate from the rest of the population. Yet both age and disability are something most of us will experience during our lifetime – they are most definitely not experiences confined to a small minority " (Etchell, Yelding pp. 186). Continued exploration of getting a child in and out of a bath with one hand.
Detail - "It has been easy to conceptualize disabled people and older people as being marginal and separate from the rest of the population. Yet both age and disability are something most of us will experience during our lifetime – they are most definitely not experiences confined to a small minority " (Etchell, Yelding pp. 186). Continued exploration of getting a child in and out of a bath with one hand.
6 + months - "It has been easy to conceptualize disabled people and older people as being marginal and separate from the rest of the population. Yet both age and disability are something most of us will experience during our lifetime – they are most definitely not experiences confined to a small minority " (Etchell, Yelding pp. 186). Continued exploration of getting a child in and out of a bath with one hand.
3-6 months - "It has been easy to conceptualize disabled people and older people as being marginal and separate from the rest of the population. Yet both age and disability are something most of us will experience during our lifetime – they are most definitely not experiences confined to a small minority " (Etchell, Yelding pp. 186). Continued exploration of getting a child in and out of a bath with one hand.
Detail - "It has been easy to conceptualize disabled people and older people as being marginal and separate from the rest of the population. Yet both age and disability are something most of us will experience during our lifetime – they are most definitely not experiences confined to a small minority " (Etchell, Yelding pp. 186). Continued exploration of getting a child in and out of a bath with one hand.
"It has been easy to conceptualize disabled people and older people as being marginal and separate from the rest of the population. Yet both age and disability are something most of us will experience during our lifetime – they are most definitely not experiences confined to a small minority " (Etchell, Yelding pp. 186). Continued exploration of getting a child in and out of a bath with one hand.
Bath Egg

The intention behind this product is universal design in parenting. Bath time can be a very fun, yet dangerous daily need for a child, especially if the guardian suffers from an upper body disability. The Bath Egg is a child's bath tub designed to aid the adult in bathing. This design allows the Bath Egg to sit in an average size bath tub. The bottom of the Bath Egg is perforated to allow water into the tub, but when ready to be removed, the water can easily drain. The design also offers a large age range. There is a proper configuration for a baby, age 3-6 months, as well as 6+ months, when the child can easily sit.

Freelance, Full-time
Jillian Nichols
Designer Charleston, SC