Juan Pollo Calendars Promotions - Starting from the second row on down, Jack designed these calendars. Along with the illustrating of cartoon images, Jack also took photographs of all the restaurants in the chain, design & had the calendars printed.
Restaurant Location flyer Giveaways - At each store location, the manager & employees posed for the pictures. This flyer was created to give awareness to the stores customers of Juan Pollos variety of locations throughout the Inland Empire.
Direct mail coupon design - This coupon was designed in Photoshop, importing photos & graphics. The Dancing eggs were a part of jacks creations & used in promotions for catering & party orders. The use of beveling & glow effects were also used as an attractive feature.
Restaurant Sales Sheet Booklet - Booklet image created with boxes & lines with a light lmage of the cartoon mascot placed behind it. Designed in Photoshop.
Vinyl banner Images - Combination of both english & spanish words on both banners used in the store windows. Jack sent the Photoshop images to graphics printing company.
Full Page Ad Design - Designed for magazine advertising page.Layout designed in Photoshop, Cartoon character's created by jack.
PostCard Images - Both Images designed in Photoshop were produced for the Historic Site Of The Original McDonalds In San Bernardino California. The Birth place of McDonalds original restaurant.
Juan Pollo Gift Card
McDonalds Free Information Mini Flyer - This mini flyer was designed in Photoshop & was printed to be given out as a free information sheet for people interested in the Historic site of the Original McDonalds Museum.
Printed Ad Images
Jack Marcus
Cartoon Product Developer Menifee, CA