Trademark research, naming, registration, identity components, style guide.
Trademark renaming for global company expansion, research, brand architecture, positioning and tagline, global rollout included collateral, digital assets, and style guides.
Independent systems analyst.
Corporate identity for IT consulting firm.
Trademark for trademark attorney. Client wanted to ensure prospects understood that she was different from the "steel and glass" lawyers. MBG focused on small to medium prospects and inventors. All materials took on an old-world, friendly look and feel, inspired by handcrafted wooden shingles hung over small-town pubs and shops.
Spun out from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, BioSupplyNet is the first global biochemical sourcing database available on the Internet, circa 1996.
Chicago choral group known for seasonal concert series and recordings.
Trademarks: Various Corporate & Product Marks

Every brand has different needs so each brand's identity should reflect those requirements.

Freelance, Full-time
Julia Moran Martz
Creative Director & Strategist in CPG & B2B industries Indianapolis, IN