This first drawing was of a mandarin fish, based on Luc Viatour's photograph featured on the relevant Wikipedia article.
The second drawing is of a Himalayan monal, based a photograph by Flickr user Tambako the Jaguar:
The third and final drawing was a surrealist piece based on multiple photographs. The background and flamingo body are based on a photograph by Flickr user natural_wanderer (, the swan wings based on a photo from the blog Wingssail Images (, and the woman's body comes from the deviantART piece "somnambulism" by Helena Rey (
Color Pastel Drawings, Fall 2013

This is a series of color pastel drawings that I made during the Fall of 2013 based on a variety of color photographs.

Freelance, Full-time
John Klimiuk
Illustrator and Graphic Designer Massapequa, NY