Project Simple Stitch

Project Simple Stitch was a collaborative effort, to help bring something positive to Glenda's life. We worked with OTs (occupational therapists) from Jefferson University. They brought a different understanding to the table. Glenda's health conditions vary from spinal cord injury, anemia, congestive heart failure, to seizure disorder. My partner Lena and I looked for areas in her life that we could open up. As we talked to her we found that she had a love for sewing but because of injury she was unable to use her legs to operate the sewing pedal. This is where we stepped in. Making a change in someones life as simple as modifying a sewing machine could bring great joy and ambition back in to her life. Project simple stitch sought to do that.

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Freelance, Full-time
Jude Marks
Designer & Illustrator Philadelphia, PA