Meet Ray - London is known for its foggy, cloudy, grey landscape. Meet Ray is an initiative that will bring color to the streets of London, especially in the winter months. Flexible Ray sculptures, modular for easy manufacturing and variety, can be found in unlikely places throughout the city.
FingerPaint - FingerPaint is a communication system created for young children to talk to older family members in a more comfortable way. The child paints on a digital tablet, and the "messages" are sent to computer and cell phone interfaces, where they can be saved as backgrounds or printed to post on the refrigerator.
Portable Speakers for Teens - A teen lifestyle is mobile, social, and variant. This set of 4 wireless speakers nests into itself for easy portability and durability. When opened, the speakers can be spread throughout an area to be used with an iPod, game system, or computer.
Portable Speakers for Teens - A teen lifestyle is mobile, social, and variant. This set of 4 wireless speakers nests into itself for easy portability and durability. When opened, the speakers can be spread throughout an area to be used with an iPod, game system, or computer.
Bombardier SafeTube - Existing safety equipment for jet-skiers is cumbersome to use in water and is stored in difficult access places on the craft. A user can open SafeTube easily with one hand to access flags, whistles, and other emergency equipment. SafeTube can also be attached to the tow rope hook for easy access.
Bombardier SafeTube - Existing safety equipment for jet-skiers is cumbersome to use in water and is stored in difficult access places on the craft. A user can open SafeTube easily with one hand to access flags, whistles, and other emergency equipment. SafeTube can also be attached to the tow rope hook for easy access.
Bombardier SafeTube - Existing safety equipment for jet-skiers is cumbersome to use in water and is stored in difficult access places on the craft. A user can open SafeTube easily with one hand to access flags, whistles, and other emergency equipment. SafeTube can also be attached to the tow rope hook for easy access.
Research - Numeral Literacy - I conducted a number of trials to draw conclusions about how math-phobic people create patterns in order to help them to remember important numbers. I concluded that although many people create visual patterns (such as remembering a phone number by the dialing pattern), they still have a distaste for numbers and try to avoid them.
Industrial Design
Jennifer Schiffman
Design Research & Strategy Chicago, IL