Balance Therapy

This medical studio came up shortly after my own knee reconstruction surgery which I was still attending Physical Therapy before class. During PT I was constantly pushing my balance and stability by using a "bosu" ball and my own make-shift balance board. Myself and my therapist were both stunned by the positive impact and benefits of using a balance board but could not use them in the PT setting or with other patients due to the obvious dangers of using a balance board. This was my motivation to create a safer balance board, one that could lock in place to get familiar with and release by the users own choice to roll back and forth. This project became an engineering project as well with me ripping apart the mechanical parts of clipless bike pedals to create a lock and release. The running joke of my studio is that if I could get my professor to balance on the board during my presentation and release the lock safely I would get an A... I got an A.

Jeremy Kroll
Industrial Designer Royal Oak, MI