Designing a way for users to make bulk purchases via SKU numbers on iOS
Axure prototype viewable here: https://qmr0xq.axshare.com

Multiple sort by options on user curated purchase lists. This screenshot is from the Android version. Axure wireframe viewable here: https://j0q5in.axshare.com

When a user has made a previous purchase related to the current search term, show their orders above the search results. Screenshot from iOS version. Axure wireframe viewable here: https://fwup9n.axshare.com

Introducing new functionality to users with coach marks. In this example, showing an alternate way to add items to a custom list. Android version. Axure wireframe viewable here: https://gutms3.axshare.com

Enhancements added to the iPad version involving sorting, editing, and purchasing items from a user's custom list of items. Axure wireframes viewable here: https://j53xk4.axshare.com