Idea for Lotus Esprit - The Esprit has always been one of my favorite exotics, mainly because its unique shape. I tried to keep that spirit intact on this new version, making it basically an uninterrupted wedge from nose to tail. One of the design cues I always liked was the small reverse angle at the base of the A-pillar, and I played with that here, exaggerating it a bit to give some visual drama.
Idea for Suzuki Samurai - I always have liked the Suzuki Samurai, because it is a simple, honest 4WD vehicle with no pretentions on being anything else, somewhat like the classic Jeep Wrangler. With this in mind, I created this new version, adding some design flair to the concept. Although stylish, it is very simple and direct, very basic design. Just bringing the "small Jeep" concept to the 2000's.
Idea for new Ford Thunderbird - In my humble opinion, I think the Thunderbird should be a very modern automobile. Although the recent T-Bird concept car looks nice, I think they shouldn't have looked to the past, not tried to be retro. For this concept I was inspired on the Ford Libre show car, which I thought could be the base for a real modern Thunderbird. I included New Edge design cues everywhere, and, of course, made it a two-seater. Yes, some things should have never been changed!