JJD #1 - Our assignment with this project was to create a composition using only our initials. We could change the type face between letters but it was encouraged that we stick to either a Sans Serif or Serif style and not jump between the two. This was the version I ended up choosing as my final to pass in. I like it because I tryed to make the D appear as the shadow to the J. I also like fact that the J seems to sit in the curve at the top of the D. Created the first semester of my sophomore year.
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JJD #2 - One of my versions along the way. I wanted it to seem as if everything was balanced perfectly but if the wind blew everything would tumble over. This was created the first semester of my sophomore year.
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JJD #3 - This was my runner up design. It took my classmates a few minutes to see the D on top of the lower case J but once they did they really enjoyed the cleverness of this one. This was created the first semester of my sophomore year.
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JJD Logo 1 - The first half of the project was to create a composition using our initials, this meant the letters could break the spacial plane of the composition. The second half of the project was to design a Logo of our initials. This meant it had to stand alone in the middle of the page. This was the version I passed in. Created first semester of my sophomore year.
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JJD Logo 2 - This was my alternate version of a logo using my initials. I almost like this one better but the one I actually used was more well received.
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Initials Project

This project I had to use my initials in black and white in a creative way. I couldn't replicate them or add anything other than the letters themselves. The ones with black background white letters are supposed to be more like a composition or piece of art that can break the plane of the canvas, where as the white background black letters are supposed to look more like a logo and float in the middle.

James Dube
Graphic Designer Middleton, MA