Translation: "To look like you want, you have to feel good" Campaign for a corn oil that promotes healthy life style.
Magazine Ad for a Gym. Copy: Encuentra lo que se habia perdido! Ilustration made by hand and retouched in Adobe Photoshop.
Oreo, Ad for a Sport guide Magazine (Aniversary) / Oreo. 98 años metiendo Homeruns
Energy drink magazine Ad.
Magazine Ad.
Magazine Ad to promote the new Taco Salad with Cheese Doritos sold by Wendy's and Cinex in Venezuela 2008. Translation: " Surrender to the cheese". It's a game of words because In Venezuela "having cheese" it's a slang that means being horny. (for that reason the Doritos chips represent some of the KamaSutra positions. This was sold as the dare and bold Doritos of all their products. Execution and Design.
Magazine Ad to promote a campaign where people would record themselves as in a talent show, which included Doritos. The winner would win prizes according to a rating.
Magazine Ad to congratulate the winner of the bronze medal and the Venezuelan team that competed in the Olympic Games of Beijing 2008.
Advertising to promote the new smart products of GE. Real photo of product and illustration in Adobe Photoshop
Freelance, Moonlighting
Jessika Burkhalter
Graphic Designer Athens, TX