The wall added to divide the original layout of the Living Room
The Living Room after it was divided in half from a previous renovation
The dividing wall coming down.
The original over-spanned floor joists.
The original floor joists above were sagging over 2 1/2 inches.
New footings were poured in the basement to bring the load from the 2nd Floor down to the ground.
Floors, floors and more floors!
In the Midst of the Renovation. All new subfloor, insulation, drywall, trim and a new gas fireplace being installed.
Ash Street House Living Room Renovation

This 1916 House has gone through many generations of changes. Since we bought this home in 2012, many structural issues and poor craftsmanship from previous remodels have come to light. Drawings have been submitted to the City of Tacoma for the Living Room Renovation. The primary part of our overhaul is returning the original Living Room layout and structurally strengthening the second floor, where existing beams are over-spanned and sagging.