Supermarket Displays - By using Sales Promotion as the art direction, big typographies that write “SAVE” are used to attract the target audiences to buy fruits and vegetables. The word “SAVE” is not only representing saving money, but also to save the world environments. The colour used is red to get more attention and it is a symbol of alert.
Motherfood - Major Studio Project - The word "FREE" does not only mean the customers do not need to pay for the apples given, but also an alert that we need to free ourselves from diseases and to free our world from climate change by eating less meat.
Event Brochure - During the event, there will be Motherfood's representatives delivering brochures to let people know that there is a free health consultation. That is why we create a very attractive brochure with big "FREE" typography because people always interested on something free. On the back of the brochures we also explain briefly about Motherfood.
Booklet - The concept of the booklet is using paper shopping bag full of fruits, vegetables and other nutritious products. So, when people bring the booklet it will look like they have been shopping from a supermarket, and if they pull out the booklet from the paper jacket, the fruits and vegetables will reveal. This communicates that we have to consume more on fruits and vegetables.
Jessica Tan
Singapore, Singapore