Pulse Magazine ::: Site re-design - www.thepulsemag.com --------------------:::-------------------- In the winter of 2005, I had the great opportunity and privilege to head the massive redesign of thePulseMag.com, the online counterpart to Pulse Magazine a young and exciting entertainment and lifestyle publication based out of Worcester, Ma. Pulse Magazine underwent a dramatic re-imaging with the arrival of a new, fresh and talented Art Director, however the magazines web presence was left behind. I worked with the Art Director to decide on a new look and feel that would propel the magazines scope to new heights. As an extra incentive for me, my own personal style was able to shine through. This, along with the fact that site is very active and constantly changing, makes thePulseMag.com one of my favorite accomplishments. Some of my other work for Pulse Magazine included ad design, and promotional design. One of the promotional pieces was centered around Pulse Fest 2005, an exciting music and networking festival organized and executed, with great success by Pagio Inc., the publisher of Pulse Magazine. The insert in the image above shows the new Pulse logo, and branding for the festival, as well as an image from the festival showing a large banner based on my designs.
Uber Cafe ::: Branding and menus
Graycat Chiropractic Office Software ::: Site re-design - www.greycat.us
Greycat ::: Logo re-design
Styles Salon ::: Salon Card
J2 Interactive ::: Re-branding
Forge Hill ::: Mailer