Table of Contents
Introduction Section - Through research and analysis defined a problem within the non for profit organization, The Julian Center, (a domestic violence shelter for women). I compiled my findings into a process book. The book is broken down into 3 sections: Deterioration, Renovation, and Restored.
Deterioration: Current Situation - The deterioration section is the organization's current situation. The Julian Center is seeing a lack of funding. In order to gain more knowledge of the organization and its situation, I conducted research on their financial situation, donation soliciting, their competitors, philanthropy in general...
Deterioration: Current Situation - The type treatment throughout the Deterioration section has tight leading and uses black and white as a color palette to parallel the situation the organization is in. Graphic elements and type placement on the page aid in forming relationships between the information.
Deterioration: Current Situation
Renovation Introduction - The renovation section is my analysis of the research I gathered in the deterioration section. I used multiple design techniques to analyze the information. There is a visual difference in the type treatment and color is beginning to appear in the photos.
Renovation: Analysis - The main problem the Julian Center had was they do not build lasting relationships with their donors.
Renovation: Analysis
Appreciation Chart - One design technique used to extract info. from research.
Restored Introduction - The restored section of the process book are my recommendations to resolve the problem posed in the renovation section.
Restored Section
Defining A Problem Within An Organization
Jessica Rangel
Strategic Visual Creative Indianapolis, IN