Brittani Smith - I had fun creating this...
Recent Work - I haven't updated in awhile but here are a few things.
Numerology Program - Creaed in Flash to tell a person's lifeline - see the program itself on my website:
Cinema 4d - Creating an ad in Cinema 4d...
Recent Work - I haven't updated in awhile but here are a few things.
Recent Work - I haven't updated in awhile but here are a few things.
Recent Work - I haven't updated in awhile but here are a few things.
Recent Work - I haven't updated in awhile but here are a few things.
New website redesign - I wanted something that would show my growth.
Hello, my name is Jerlyn - I was idly browsing the internet one day, got bored and decided to create something new :-)
Jerlyn Thomas
Senior Interactive Graphic Designer New York City, NY