Braided Circulation Diagram - My design for an entertainment tower at Boston’s Kenmore Square negotiates a dual-relationship between public and private programs and circulation. A rotating axis guides a “leader-follower” relationship as the private program of galleries and theatres (pink) grows within the site bounds, influencing the growth of the public program of parks and patios (blue) in cantilevers. The same axis serves as a reflective guide for mirroring circulation systems.
Plan Diagrams - My design for an entertainment tower at Boston’s Kenmore Square negotiates a dual-relationship between public and private programs and circulation. A rotating axis guides a “leader-follower” relationship as the private program of galleries and theatres (pink) grows within the site bounds, influencing the growth of the public program of parks and patios (blue) in cantilevers. The same axis serves as a reflective guide for mirroring circulation systems.
Elevation - My design for an entertainment tower at Boston’s Kenmore Square negotiates a dual-relationship between public and private programs and circulation. A rotating axis guides a “leader-follower” relationship as the private program of galleries and theatres (pink) grows within the site bounds, influencing the growth of the public program of parks and patios (blue) in cantilevers. The same axis serves as a reflective guide for mirroring circulation systems.
Section - My design for an entertainment tower at Boston’s Kenmore Square negotiates a dual-relationship between public and private programs and circulation. A rotating axis guides a “leader-follower” relationship as the private program of galleries and theatres (pink) grows within the site bounds, influencing the growth of the public program of parks and patios (blue) in cantilevers. The same axis serves as a reflective guide for mirroring circulation systems.
Section Model - My design for an entertainment tower at Boston’s Kenmore Square negotiates a dual-relationship between public and private programs and circulation. A rotating axis guides a “leader-follower” relationship as the private program of galleries and theatres (pink) grows within the site bounds, influencing the growth of the public program of parks and patios (blue) in cantilevers. The same axis serves as a reflective guide for mirroring circulation systems.
Section Model - My design for an entertainment tower at Boston’s Kenmore Square negotiates a dual-relationship between public and private programs and circulation. A rotating axis guides a “leader-follower” relationship as the private program of galleries and theatres (pink) grows within the site bounds, influencing the growth of the public program of parks and patios (blue) in cantilevers. The same axis serves as a reflective guide for mirroring circulation systems.
Section Model - My design for an entertainment tower at Boston’s Kenmore Square negotiates a dual-relationship between public and private programs and circulation. A rotating axis guides a “leader-follower” relationship as the private program of galleries and theatres (pink) grows within the site bounds, influencing the growth of the public program of parks and patios (blue) in cantilevers. The same axis serves as a reflective guide for mirroring circulation systems.
Braided Tower