A New Way of Life | Photo 1 of 6 A photo series to motivate citizens to stand up for their rights and contact their politicians. Role: Director of Photography Collaboration: My Wig Studio (Hair), Q Concepts (Photography), Muzzle Flash Media (Photography Assistant)
Criminalization | Photo 2 of 6 A photo series to motivate citizens to stand up for their rights and contact their politicians.
Criminalization | Photo 3 of 6 A photo series to motivate citizens to stand up for their rights and contact their politicians.
Classification | Photo 4 of 6 A photo series to motivate citizens to stand up for their rights and contact their politicians.
Confiscation | Photo 5 of 6 A photo series to motivate citizens to stand up for their rights and contact their politicians.
Confiscation | Photo 6 of 6 A photo series to motivate citizens to stand up for their rights and contact their politicians.
Campaign | A New Life

The series depicts 'A New Way of Life' for California gun owners should the bills be signed by the Governor. Your three choices: Get rid of your rifles, Register your rifles with the state, or disobey and become a criminal. Historically, registration has led to confiscation and the message was also that the state has identified gun owners and 2nd Class citizens who must be watched and tracked, much like criminals.

RESULTS: Over 65,000 letters from citizens were sent to California Governor Jerry Brown's office. On 10.12.13, Governor Brown vetoed AB374, the most serious bill of 2013 which infringed on the Constitutional 2nd Amendment. This bill would have banned new sales of magazine fed centerfire rifles and reclassified currently legal firearms as 'assault weapons' which must be registered with the state.

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Jennifer Ha
Creative Professional • Inspired by Fashion Sarasota, FL