Cover - Client: Research In Motion (BlackBerry) & AT&T Project: The following pitch book included unique concepts that delivered an integrated experience marketing campaign to generate demand for a new BlackBerry smartphone. My responsibilities started at the concept phase and included brainstorms with a team, design of elements and the book layout.
Executive Summary - Client: Research In Motion (BlackBerry) & AT&T Project: A series of tabs were printed on neon paper to add a young, vibrant feel to the book.
Goals and Objectives - Client: Research In Motion (BlackBerry)/ AT&T Project: I chose a loose illustrative style to further the idea that these are concepts - art in progress.
Endless Summer Tour - Client: Research In Motion (BlackBerry)/ AT&T Project: The combination of a mobile tour and installation was proposed in the Endless Summer Tour. This ultra-hip experience brings BlackBerry's features to life with cool entertainment oasis and connectivity.
House of Rock - Client: Research In Motion (BlackBerry)/ AT&T Project: The House of Rock concept proposed exclusive access to legendary musicians and iconic concert venues throughout the nation. Proposed work includes an online community, VIP sound check party, and contests.
MVP Baseball - Client: Research In Motion (BlackBerry)/AT&T Project: By aligning BlackBerry with MLB, my team hoped to drive home the message of entertainment and mobility while connecting with a brand that means fun and excitement.
Raptor Launch Pitch Book
Jennifer Mederos
Graphic Designer Fort Lee, NJ