I love old cameras. I think they are so unique and they are interesting. I love the vintage look, and I wanted to add to the antiquity of this camera by editing it to be sepia toned.
This is just a project I did outside of our projects. There were some photos already on the class file that I used to compose this image as an experiment. I plan on making my own Hockney project, just I haven't quite gotten to it yet.
Practicing Aperture. I took this picture of the hourglass with a shallow depth of field, the hourglass is in focus and the shells are blurry in the background. I really love the contrasting colors of the coral, white, and turquoise.
This was just a picture I took outside of class. I really love how in focus and intense this subject's eyes are. I wanted it black and white just so it would have that intensity.
Other (in Class Projects)

Just exploring aperture and getting down the basics.