This girl is fierce. She loves and lives soccer. It was nice to capture the wind blowing through her hair to show movement. Her intense face just makes this picture even better and shows the subject for who she really is.
This subject enjoys being in her room a lot. So being able to capture her in her sanctuary was a really good moment. It is simple yet still tells a lot about who she is.
This woman was so kind. She offered to make us popcorn when I asked to take her picture. She was just a happy worker and was helping people have the best movie experience. There needs to be more happy people like this in the world.
Capturing this little boy when he was playing was so fun. He had so much personality and just capturing this gives a little sneak peek of that.
I couldn't help but capture this really cool man at a bookstore/coffee shop in Torree, Utah. It was over spring break and he was just perfectly placed reading a book. He just fit into the setting so well: sitting at a table reading a book, wearing flannel and a beanie, and not caring about anything else happening around him.

Catching people in their natural habitats doing things they enjoy.