Kitchen Mice - These images are part of a series depicting a traditional Korean Cinderella story. This picture shows Cinderella in her corner of the kitchen; making friends with the mice.
At The Well - Cinderella is given three impossible tasks. The first one is to fill a broken bucket with water. A frog helps her by pressing his body against the hole, so that the water does not run out.
The Second Task - Cinderella is given three impossible tasks to do before she can go to the festival. The second task is to pick up a bag of rice that is scattered all through the grass. The swallows help Cinderella by picking up the grains and dropping them in her bag.
Pear Blossoms - Pear blossoms on a red background. This image was created for the endpapers of the book.
Festival - Cinderella eventually accomplishes all of her stepmother's tasks and makes her way to the village festival (losing her sandal along the way). When she gets there, she listens to lively music and watches acrobats perform.
Korean Cinderella