Downtown Raleigh Site - This axonometric plan is of a 32 acre site in downtown Raleigh. The existing site is mostly industrial and underused commercial. My design includes residential condos, apartments, and live-work units, parking, retail, office, and open space. The piped creek has been daylighted, a public plaza for commercial areas added, and semi-private seating areas included. The following sections illustrate some of the proposed views.

Perspective Section1 - This section shows the character of the paths and seating area near a residential building in the urban infill axonometric plan previously shown.

Perspective Section2 - This section shows the main commercial and office plaza area with an overlook and terracing next to the newly daylighted stream.

Landfill Site - The North Wake Landfill (Raleigh, NC) will close in 2007. Studies are currently underway to develop a masterplan for the site. Our construction studio was given the task of providing space for a pavilion, recreational activities, and parking on the site. I chose to build on the "borrow" site, where topsoil is stored to be placed on top of the landfill. This eliminates the concern of subsistence that accompanies building on top of landfills. Instead, I suggested more passive features, such as trails on the tops of the landfills. This drawing demonstrates my use of AutoCAD, shows my conceptual grading of the site, and the placement of structures, paths, and parking. I provided a pavilion with restrooms, a boardwalk system to go over a rain garden network that will collect storm water off of the parking lots and building, a playground utilizing existing boulders on-site, and organized play areas.

Crossnore Charrette - We visited a small town in western North Carolina with the intention of doing a design charrette that would help visualize the potential for the community. The sections I drew demonstrate the quality of the botanical garden and baptismal pool area we were proposing for an underutilized ravine with an interesting history and diverse ecological habitat.