Home Page It will have the login/ sign up on the left side as well as tags of trending users that they could add or follow, the product information, videos about the knot thing in the middle, which the user could like, rate, and comment, and the latest post, trending kawaii things and topics, and product announcements on the right side
Product Page This will have the login/ sign up or the user tag, if the user already signed in, on the left side and the build your own knot thing column in the middle. In that column, it will show a knot thing, tabs that would let you choose from colour, pattern, and face or the facial expression the user would want to add. On the bottom part of that column would be the Clear All button, and Buy Now button that will lead you to the purchase page
Personal Profile Page The expanded view of the user tag that shows the number of followers and links to Profile, Statistic, Settings and Logout is on the left as well as the trending post. The special product meter that would show how many points the user earned, status bar and the user’s post would be in the middle and suggested users would be on the right side.
Community Page This will have the user tag, twitter and instagram posts on the left side, and other user tags, posts of appreciation for the KNOT THING, latest kawaii trends and videos would be in the middle.
High fidelity wireframe for Knot Thing

Website wireframe of a start up simulation of purchase and use of a product concept called the Knot Thing, a bunny shaped shoelace lock would keep your shoelaces in place without even having to tie your laces

Jelene Go
Industrial Design Student at Western Sydney University Sydney, Australia