The branding project was designed for developing a new brand. I developed a camera, The Caveat Camera, which was digital and photographed in the infrared wave length. All of the photos throughout the campaign are infrared.
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The branding project was designed for developing a new brand. I developed a camera, The Caveat Camera, which was digital and photographed in the infrared wave length. All of the photos throughout the campaign are infrared.
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Caveat Camera Campaign

I developed and designed the Caveat Camera brand name and product. The Caveat Camera is a digital camera which produces infra-red photos. All the photos in the campaign are infra-red and were taken by myself or found. I designed the logo and the entire campaign. I also designed the camera in the ads. I made the cameras user friendly. I developed the infra-red idea because I enjoy the infra-red concept. I like the fact that one can never tell what the final photo will be with infra-red photography. This is a concept which I think that a certain group of consumers would enjoy.

Jeff Scolnick
Graphic Design, Writing and Photography Grosse Pointe, MI