Original place setting illustrations - Original illustrations created for in-store graphics in Macy's department stores.
Macy's fine china : table setting graphics - 60" x 120" in-store graphics for Macy's department stores
Macy's fine china : table settings graphics - 60" x 120" in-store graphics for Macy's Department stores
Macy's fine china : table setting graphics - 60" x 120" in-store graphics for Macy's department stores
Macy's fine china : table setting graphics - 60" x 120" in-store graphics for Macy's department stores
Setting for 12 packaging - Tabletop packaging for Macy's Home Store and the Cellar brands
Setting for 12 packaging - Tabletop packaging for Macy's Home Store and the Cellar brands
Setting for 12 packaging - Tabletop packaging for Macy's Home Store and the Cellar brands
Jeannie Choe
Jeannie Choe Brooklyn, NY