A small sample of 300+ unique and proprietary icons designed and illustrated from scratch for Cisco System's developers in Learning and Training Division. Used Adobe Illustrator and photos for reference.
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One of 125 product safety date sheets I designed for Wilflex Inks. The icons are custom and created from scratch. Detail of icons on right. Used Adobe Illustrator. Hand sketched icons prior to executing illustration.
One of many How-to publications created for the screen printing industry and users of Wilflex Inks demonstrating proper procedures. Laid out using InDesign.
Sample of a training guide for Wilflex Inks
diversity logo designer for Shaw Floors HR
Interactive PDF demonstrating a line of carpet squares for Shaw Floors. Click 'view PDF' below to see entire piece. Adobe InDesign
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Illustration and Graphic Design

Various print project designs

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
John Theurer
Graphic Artist & Designer Kennesaw, GA