Where is the Chiminea and green rock chairs! Bex and Mat you helped last time…
Bex and Mat are well. This I know from your Anniversary aster blooms.
Three Jack in the Pulpit’s have been taken by an animal? Pic says, it wasn’t a dream.
Thanks Roy for the wood tree rounds. Patio, walkway what’s you going to be…
White Aster is coming…kids are well.
Surprise little fleur and now you are gone. Did an animal eat you too?
After many years of nada, pop color appears! Glorious RED.
Wild strawberry and Mom’s favorite white Spring violet. I love the blue and you mother dearest?
There you be pretty red tulip. I see you!
Docent gift with new office opening at UNH popped this Spring and lasted long! TKS D+M
Here’s the blue and white violets co-existing.
Here some the leaves.
The white flower trees and green grass too.

Spring 2024 Coffeetown Road

Jo Donoghue
Savvy Designer Deerfield, NH