Speculative ad for Advertising Rep to start her conversation with a new client. Show em what we got! - Do like the thought bubbles idea highlighting the food. The magenta bkgd again reinforces the draw to the food items.
Yet a whole different approach to display their wares. Warm and inviting. Stop by and dine with us! - the golden bkgd gives the same restaurant a totally different feel. More expensive!
Shall we dance into the New Year? - Will our paths merge into forever, in the next chapter of our lives? Ironically, I sing to the song, " I will never fall in love again - at least until tomorrow" for a smooth ski rhythm to carve lovely s turns and while typing my screen saver my beloved friend came upon me and the word fall went to fail and that I believe is the truth - love will come my way - shoulders back and to the valley!
Flyer for Advertising Representatives with little color to save on printing cartridges
Vincent stole my heart Top middle.
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Happy 2011
Jo Donoghue
Savvy Designer Deerfield, NH