ox bones - love drawing the bones
Fluted Dalton-Hardaway - This is an illustration of the fraction of the fluted Paleolithic projectile found along the Delaware in NY in 2005. I created a 'ghost' of the full shape of the typical Dalton-Hardaway type.
Hafted Projectile - This is the re-creation of a hafted projectile I created for an exhibit in a park in Ulster Co, NY.
This is a rare, un-digified pencil drawing for a projectile point found in Kirkwood, NY.
Lithic Materials - This is a graphical representation of the lithic raw materials found at the Verkeerderkill site in Ulster County, NY. I took color samples from the actual stone artifacts and created the more abstract images in Illustrator.
Projectile point - A very odd untyped point from a site near Binghamton
Feature Drawing - This is an example of some of the images I create for archaeological reports. This is of a large prehistoric feature including fire-cracked rocks and stained and burned soil.
Stratigraphy Lesson - This is the poster from a lesson I wrote on Stratigraphic levels. It is now being used by other agencies to help demonstrate the Law of Superposition and to explain the basics of atifacts in the context of soil deposition.
Hearth - Smoking hearth, a depiction of a cooking platform during the Woodland Period in the northeast region of North America
Screening Soil - why do we take soil samples?
Header for Fieldschool Site - I illustrated on top of the original photograph of the cabin to put it into the correct context, adding the valley behind, some grass, and a plow.
cannon - poor cannon, it was cut from the poster
Archaeology Images
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Justin C Miller
Freelance Designer and Illustrator Binghamton, NY