Anadarko - Annual Report Cover: Created using a combination of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign for overall design, layout, photo editing, color and typography. Focus: Calming colors, forward and modern moving lines, and photos showing hopeful employees for what the new year will bring.
Anadarko - Annual Report Cover: Created using a combination of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign for overall design, layout, photo editing, color and typography. Employees are large part of what makes a company what it is. This design highlights a few of the many employees that make up the culture of this company. It's a vision of what Anadarko is and what it looks forward for in the future.
Layout Design - Hospital Room Patient Board: Created using Adobe Illustrator, mock design that helps with communication between medical staff and patients. Responsible for layout design, brand continuity, artwork and prepress.
Layout Design - Hospital Inpatient Services Board: Created using Adobe Illustrator, mock design that helps medical staff keep track of details for patients. Responsible for layout design, brand continuity, artwork and prepress.
SHSU, School of Music, Music Therapy Department - Brochure: Created Master in Music Therapy brochure to promote the new degree program. Responsible for brand continuity, layout design, typography and prepress.
Jennifer Budnik
Graphic Designer Houston, TX