Movement, 2014. Movement- shows action by directing the viewers eye through the plain
B&W-Tint- reds 28% yellows 89% blues -6%
Emphasis, 2014. Emphasis- to develop points of interests to pull viewers eye to important parts of the work
brightness: 15
contrast: 49
levels: 16, 0.84, 219
curves: output- 42 input- 48
vibrance: 55
Contrast, 2014. Contrast- differences in the work; using different elements of art
B&W- yellows 60%, cyans 81%, reds 203%
Balance, 2014. Balance- a sense of stability in the body of work; composing a feeling of equal weight
brightness: -32
levels: 0, 1.00, 255
curves: output- 84 input- 78
exposure: 0.11
gamma correction: 1.07
vibrance: 25
Unity, 2014. Unity- when all the parts are equal as a whole, everything is in focus and nothing overlaps
brightness: -30
contrast: 36
exposure: 0.11
vibrance: 11
Size/Scale, 2014. Size/Scale- uses human form to show proportion in reference to objects surrounding
B&W-tint- cyans 76%, blues 40%
Pattern/Repetition, 2014. Pattern/Repetition- an element that occurs over and over again in a composition
B&W- yellows 129%, greens -52%, magentas 119%, reds 3%