Soccer Players On twitter

Soccer Twitted is the perfect app for those who want to always be updated about football news, pre and post-match comments, market rumors, players’ training and much more, reading everything directly from football players’ official tweets!

With Soccer Twitted you can decide to follow only the players of your favorite team, or players from different teams, and you can choose from teams playing in the following tournaments:
- Italian Serie A
- English PremierLeague
- Spanish League
- German Bundesliga
- French League 1

Also, you can follow the official tweets of former important players, journalists, football commentators and market experts, and of course each team official tweets!

If you feel eager to get more tweets and news, you can decide to follow the tweets from all the tournaments at the same time!

Sharing football tweets through Facebook or Twitter has never been this easy and quick!

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Jawad ...
Software developer (iOS) Lahore, Pakistan