Mesami - These products cover projects that I have done in the first 2 years of my degree at Humber College.
Mesami - These products cover projects that I have done in the first 2 years of my degree at Humber College.
Truno 1 - This is chair designed in my second year. It was entered in the INSITU Chair Show in April 2007 and was also featured in the International Interior Design Show of 2008
Truno 1 - This is chair designed in my second year. It was entered in the INSITU Chair Show in April 2007 and was also featured in the International Interior Design Show of 2008
Parago - The Parago is a fashion lunch box. It was created for students and young business proffessionals who fear taking their lunch in a brown paper bag.
HYDRAcare - These products cover projects that I have done in the first 2 years of my degree at Humber College.
Javed Yacoob
Getting there Mississauga, ON