Mazinger Z, Vol. 2 - Cover Illustration for Digiview Entertainment

Fan Art-Resident Evil 4 - Resident Evil 4, © Capcom

Character Rendering 1 - A character that is appearing in a comic I'm putting together. Still in the planning stage.

Character Rendering 2 - A character that is appearing in a comic I'm putting together. Still in the planning stage.

Character Rendering 3 - A character that is appearing in a comic I'm putting together. Still in the planning stage.

Monster Rancher - Cover illustration for Digiview Entertainment.

Monster Rancher - Cover Illustration for Digiview Entertainment.

Christmas Illustration - Cover illustration for Digiview Entertainment.

Burro and Mouse - Cover illustration for Digiview Entertainment.

Kimba with Friends - Cover illustration for Digiview Entertainment.

Kimba Reflection - Cover illustration for Digiview Entertainment.

Kimba Hiding - Cover illustration for Digiview Entertainment.

Kimba on the Horizon - Cover illustration for Digiview Entertainment.


Merry Christmas!

Skunk - Cover Illustration for Digiview Entertainment.

