A 1:5 scale model of the proposed simple, franc, light and dynamic shelf. This was also given to La Grande Epicerie and displayed in the actual location.
Technical drawings for the shelf and other components.
A quick mock-up image showing the scale of the shelf in context.

Side project at ENSCI - Les Ateliers to design new wine shelving for La Gande Epicerie de Paris.

The project seeks to break from the traditional aesthetics of displaying wine and to disappear into the background as much as possible in order to let the displayed products create the atmosphere of the wine department.

In collaboration with La Grande Epicerie de Paris.

Tutors: Designer Guillaume Bardet, Architect Aurelien Lemonier, Designer/assistant Valerie Druet.

ENSCI - Les Ateliers, 2008.

Jari-Pekka Kola
Industrial Designer Helsinki, Finland