NEV_New Type electric Vehicle - This is for reasonable styling project for baby boomer’s vitality and life style. Baby boomers do not want to feel or admit they are getting old. They need to stay young in spirit and active. In this point, they want to have the vehicle that will facilitate their active life-style and image.
This is for reasonable styling project for baby boomer’s vitality and life style. Baby boomers do not want to feel or admit they are getting old. They need to stay young in spirit and active. In this point, they want to have the vehicle that will facilitate their active life-style and image.
This is for reasonable styling project for baby boomer’s vitality and life style. Baby boomers do not want to feel or admit they are getting old. They need to stay young in spirit and active. In this point, they want to have the vehicle that will facilitate their active life-style and image.
This is for reasonable styling project for baby boomer’s vitality and life style. Baby boomers do not want to feel or admit they are getting old. They need to stay young in spirit and active. In this point, they want to have the vehicle that will facilitate their active life-style and image.
This is for reasonable styling project for baby boomer’s vitality and life style. Baby boomers do not want to feel or admit they are getting old. They need to stay young in spirit and active. In this point, they want to have the vehicle that will facilitate their active life-style and image.
NEV_New type electric Vehicle