Front Cover
Inside Cover Spread - Pages 2-3
Introduction - Pages 4-5
Table of Contents - Pages 6-7
Programa / Schedule - Pages 8-9
Visita Lima / Visit Lima - Pages 10-11
Pages 12-13
Pages 14-15
Speakers TOC - Pages 16-17
Speaker - Pages 18-19
Speaker - Pages 20-21
Speaker - Pages 22-23
Speaker - Pages 24-25
Speaker - Pages 26-27
Speaker - Pages 28-29
Speaker - Pages 30-31
LAD Fest Conference Guide

I designed this magazine for my Publication Design class at SUU of Fall Semester 2020.
Our assignment was to design a new conference guide for a festival of our choice. I chose Latin American Design Festival in Peru because my brother had just traveled to Peru for a summer. My design inspiration came from Peru's colorful culture and the incredible textiles and patterns they use in their clothing.

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Jana Stone
Graphic Designer Cedar City, UT