This is a 58cm Road Bicycle frame designed by myself as a means to further improve my CAD skills and as cycling is a passion of mine.
This was my first solo project in second year and the project was to create a movable product for the kitchen. As a result I designed a egg boiler, where the eggs are cracked into individual containers and boiled. These containers can then be separated and kept secure to go in packed lunch.
This is the Display board for the first project I undertook at University, where in small groups we had to design a product that involves itself with water. As a result we created "The Dry Table", which is a table where the surface, doesn't have any flat surface but is instead a selection of square funnels. This design allows any water which falls on the table and chairs to be funnelled through and out of the bottom of the table. This then removes the need to dry the table. If this was used commercially, this would save time and effort and as a result further increasing customer satisfaction.
This project was to design a set of toy scales which can balance 10, 2 pence coins with 100 grams of sweets. The point of this exercise was to work on mechanics and balancing forces. However, I chose to make each hand non-unifrom in shape by giving one side a bent arm. This then required a combination of manual calculation and computer modelling to determine the mass and the centre of mass to then determine the rotating forces.
This was a brand based project where I had to design a 100ml travel bottle. I chose Dove as a brand due to their clean cut and use of a strong grey, that typically has a bold strike of colour through it. The bottle is designed to contain 3 different fluids: Shaving Gel, Moisturiser and Shower gel. This then makes it an compact package that gives the user a selection of products for short trips without the needs for multiple bottles and and any over the flight restriction of 100ml.
A little bit of fun and experimentation on solidworks and photoshop.
This is a torch that was modeled using surface modelling techniques through SolidWorks and turning surfaces into solids.
This is a small scale model boat that has also been created through surface modelling techniques and is formatted so that it can be manufactured through rapid prototyping machines such as a 3D printer.
Display Boards and SolidWorks models

Here is a small sample of a few other project boards I made in my first two years at University and some of my SolidWorks.

James Sheridan
Product Designer BSc (Hons) Graduate Uckfield, United Kingdom