sketches - pen and marker sketches/
sketches - pen and marker sketches/
sketches - pen and marker sketches, initial concept for "plantation fresh" branding of unacceptable products.
sketches - pen and marker sketches/ Jars, nonsense, salt packaging, commissioner of salt, the commissioner's striped pants.
sketches - pen and marker sketches/ Fragrance line secondary packaging. Code name "nadu", now named airforia.
sketches - pen and marker sketches/ Airforia initial line. Description, sizing and tier 3 retail pricing.
sketches - pen and marker sketches/ M&W men's products concept. Thoughts on copy-Not so cheesy but surprisingly provocative for shaving cream. Face Lotion- men's products need to stay on the side of non-preciousness. Meaning that the product itself cannot come off as being too special, it needs to be appreciated through it's usage.
product development sketches - Airforia jasmine line extension. Jasmine salt. Applications as bath product OR cooking product (of course two packages for the same products, we don't want the impression of seasoning ourselves in the bath though it is essentially the exact same product.
product development sketches - Airforia line extension, beauty bar. Paper is printed before distressed, rough finish similar to worn moleskine notebook. Purple metallic pring. Copy/poem debossed into actual product, flecks of purple jasmine flora act as exfoliant.
product development sketches - Ridiculous jasmine cigarette brand. Possibility of cylindrical container with twist lid to extend product life. Reference to sacred text, ancient tobacco usage or other profound tobacco related messaging. Too bad PM has made it virtually impossible for the rest of us to sell cigarettes. New York's bull-* self-extinguishing paper laws, followed by the patenting of those same papers makes it pretty much impossible to start a cigarette company. Legally at least.
product development sketches - Jasmine tea. Dark Miron glass would be super sexy. Accessories (tea cup, pot) follow same classy graphic treatments. The making of true jasmine tea is a beautiful process, the process itself would probably make interesting front copy. Prints are pulled from Indian fabrics, maybe in southern indian textile market, Tamil Nadu state, somewhere around Chennai, I think there is a textile market there...
product development sketches - The key to all of this is keeping the products true to their roots. It's an exercise in distributing the traditions in place, in hopes of finding marketable solutions for sustenance. Let's take the Heritage Turkey for example and those friendly people keeping breeds from going extinct through virtue of promoting their values as food. These notions of heritage and tradition are becoming more recognizable, though they're disappearing before we even have the chance to selfishly exploit them.
product development sketches. Citrois line extension.
product development sketches
packaging development sketches
packaging development sketches
packaging development sketches
James Kennedy
designer brooklyn, NY