The Solution - The sliding mechanism makes the rigging process easier and less time consuming for the junior athletes. The identification tags allow the user to easily identify the correct position for the rigger.
The Solution - The two parts of the mechanism slide together in a quick and easy motion, significantly reducing the time it takes to assemble the rigger.
The Solution - The sliding mechanism is retro-fitted to an existing boat and rigger; making it easier and cheaper to manufacture and sell to the rowing market.
The Problem - The current method of assembling a rigger to a rowing boat is difficult; the process is an intricate and time consuming one, especially for young junior rowers aged between 13 and 15 years of age.
The Problem - Managing the process is also difficult. If incorrectly assembled these riggers would need to be disassembled and then reassembled correctly. This can become a “logistical nightmare” when managing a large group of junior athletes and when a large number of boats and riggers are involved.
Row Easy: Quick Release Rigger Attachment - The Row Easy brand is targeted at young junior rowers that may have just started rowing and may not take the sport that seriously at first; participating in rowing as a recreational and fun weekend activity.
Development Work: Prototypes
Development Work: Sketching
Development Work: Sketching
Development Work: Log Books
Row Easy: Quick Release Rigger
James Clarke
London, United Kingdom