2013 panorama , In This panorama the players has to get out of the darkness. To get out of darkness you have to complete missions to get closer to the light area. To get to the light area you have to first fine the secret frog. This frog has the powers to give you hints where to go. Once you get all the frogs you go to light area but , once you get there the game isn't over yet.
Panorama 2013 , Once you get to the light place you have to go to the dark place again. Now you have to fine bears to give you hints to get one step closer to win the game. To fine the bears you have to search around and climb the tress but only the tress that has a lot of snow.
panorama 2013 , One step closer to win the game . For this level you have to fine birds to tell you where to go. To fine these birds you gotta go to this branch tree that is located in the snow. Once you get there the last bird will be there and you will go to the next level.
reward points 2013 , You finally at the last level and this is the hardest level to complete. To complete this game you have to fine the cherries and eat them to win the game. You gotta fine the right ones but if you dont and eat the wrong ones you go back and start all over again.
Game art

Depth of field is the distance between the father the object is and how close it is in the picture