this picture represent value ,closeup , emphasis because i took it close up and it shows it value.
This picture represent value, Balance , framing because it shows the color of it and the idea of it.
This picture shows value and framing because it stands out
it shows negative space and framing because how it stands out
this photo shows rule of thirds and close up and depth of field because it looks like it has those things
this photo represents framing value and close up because it stands out
this photo shows close up, fast shutter speed and framing
this picture represents value , line , depth of field and rule of thirds
this picture shows negative space , emphasis
this picture represents close up , line , value ,
this picture represents close up , framing , negative space
this photo represents shows value , emphasis ,
Baseline assessment intro to photo

I was to take photograph that best show
2.negative space
3.rule of thirds
4.portrait in natural side lighting
5.fadt shutter speed
6.close up
11.depth of field