E-Governance Web Page - The above web page is light weight,
Very few images are used here so that the page loads faster,
Colours used are very light and soothing, so that it does to disturbs the user's eyes
Company Portal
Financial Interface before enhancement
Financial Interface after enhancement - The page is developed using a tool called "Web Methods", because of this, designer do not have much freedom in designing web page, he needs to understand how Web Methods work.
Enhancements done:
1. Home, sitemap and logout links are given in a small flap
2. Tabs links are made very clear
3. A bright color (orange) is given for the Headings
4. Sub heading and their content are given indentation in the left
5. A Background gradient color is given, this separates the content and background.
Wines Summer Party - Colors used here in the page are little vibrant, as it talks about Summer Party
City Dashboard Interface
Ramnee Discount card Home page