Title: DC Medium: Graphite Pencil Size: 9"x12" Value: The lightness and darkness of the drawing Space: The use of areas in two-dimensional space that can be defined by edges. Without technique the drawing would have no value or perception.
Title: Book Still Life, 2014 Medium: Graphite pencils Size: 9"x12" 2 Pt Perspective: When a object is appeared to vanish to two vanishing points.
Library Location, 2014 Medium: Graphite Pencil Size: 12"x18" 1 pt. perspective; When the image appears to be vanishing to one point.
Collage, 2015: Paint, Glue, Photo copy, Pictures
Fantasy Scape, 2014: Water color
Hand, 2015: Graphite
Self Portrait, 2015: Graphite
Intermediate Drawing & Painting

2D Art: Having the dimensions of height and width only

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Jaime Golden
Student Sparta Township, NJ