Poster of the final design - This was my major project, designed for wheelchair athletes. Features a unique steering linkage that also drives the bike by pushing the bars in a bench press style motion. 26" mountain bike wheels and disk breaks at each wheel.
top view of exhibit layour - This was my major project, designed for wheelchair athletes. Features a unique steering linkage that also drives the bike by pushing the bars in a bench press style motion. 26" mountain bike wheels and disk breaks at each wheel.
view from exhibit entrance - This was my major project, designed for wheelchair athletes. Features a unique steering linkage that also drives the bike by pushing the bars in a bench press style motion. 26" mountain bike wheels and disk breaks at each wheel.
Rendering of proposed exhibit design - This was my major project, designed for wheelchair athletes. Features a unique steering linkage that also drives the bike by pushing the bars in a bench press style motion. 26" mountain bike wheels and disk breaks at each wheel.
Arm Powered Off Road Tricycle