Complete Edit: November 27, 2013
Original Background: November 27, 2013
Original Portrait: November 27, 2013
Background Edit: November 27, 2013: To edit the background image, I used the image adjustment black and white, I adjusted the colors so that the blues were lighter and the greens were darker. I then used the burn and dodge tools to make the rocks stand out more and the tops of the trees seem darker.
First Edit: November 27, 2013: To edit this image, I used the burn tool to make the outer parts of the eyes much darker, and used the smudge tool to spread the outer color of the eyes into the center of the eyes. I then used the lasso tool and adjusted the selections to paste the selections onto the zombies face. By using the eraser tool and the burn tool, I was able to blend the textures into the skin of the subject. I then applied an image adjustment to make the overall skin tone of the subject much darker. To finish it off, I used a petal shaped brush to paint maroon spots on the skin for a blood effect.


Jack Donahue
Student Jersey City, NJ